Worldwide Stamps Ta-Tn
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Tanger see French Morocco
Tangier see Great Britain Offices Morocco
Tannu Tuva
1934 Set 10 stamps in souvenir page on souv page containing G01S234a,b SOLD
1935 61 1k orange, Badger on souv page G01S234c 1935 62 3k emerald green, Squirrel on souv page G01S234d 1935 63 5k rose red, Ermine on souv page G01S234e 1935 64 10k crimson red, Fox on souv page G01S234f 1935 65 25k orange red, Otter on souv page G01S234g 1935 66 50k deep blue, Lynx on souv page G01S234h 1935 67 1t violet, Elk (Moose) on souv page G01S234i 1935 68 2t royal blue, Yak on souv page G01S234j 1935 69 3t red brown, Bactrian camels on souv page G01S234k 1935 70 5t indigo, Bear on souv page G01S234l |
1967 19 5c black & citron, fish, Cardinalfish used G1B1S1100 $0.10
1967 20 10c brown & olive, fish, Mudskipper used G1B1S1101 $0.10 1967 21 15c brown & blue, fish, Toby puffer used G1B1S1102 $0.10 1967 22 20c brn & dk bl grn, fish, seahorses (2 copies) used G1B1S1103 $0.10 ea 1967 23 30c black & yel grn, fish, Batfish used G1B1S1104 $0.10 1967 24 40c brown & emerald, fish, Sweetlips (2 copies) used G1B1S1105 $0.10 ea 1967 25 50c blk & dull bl grn, fish, Birdfish used G1B1S1106 $0.10 1967 28 1sh brown & multi, fish, Turkeyfish used G1B1S1107 $0.10 |
1967 19 5c black & citron, fish, Cardinalfish used G01S894 $0.10
1967 20 10c brown & olive, fish, Mudskipper (2 copies) used G01S895a,c $0.10 ea 1967 21 15c brown & blue, fish, Toby puffer used G01S896 $0.10 1967 22 20c brn & dk bl grn, fish, seahorses (4 copies) used G01S897 $0.10 ea 1967 23 30c black & yel grn, fish, Batfish (3 copies) used G01S898a,c,d $0.10 ea 1967 24 40c brown & emerald, fish, Sweetlips (2 copies) used G01S899 $0.10 ea 1967 25 50c blk & dull bl grn, fish, Birdfish used G01S900 $0.10 |
1980 141 40c multi Zanzibar Nos. 49 and 309, “Stamp History” Cancel MH R9Bk1S122 $0.10
1984 243 1.50sh Olympics Los Angeles, Running MH R9Bk1S129 $0.10 1984 246 1sh Icarus, Intl Civil Avaition Org. MH R9Bk1S123 $0.10 1984 247 1.50sh Air Tanzania jets, Intl Civil Avaition Org. MH R9Bk1S130 $0.10 1984 251 1.50sh Traditional Houses, Isyenga MH R9Bk1S127 $0.10 |
1985 254 1.50sh Textile Industry, S Africa Dev Conf MH R9Bk1S125 $0.25
1985 259 4sh Rare Species, Leopard MH R9Bk1S131 $0.75 1985 279 1.50sh Pottery, Water and cooking pots MH R9Bk1S126 $0.10 1985 266 30sh 1907 Silver Ghost MNH P333S25 $0.35 1985 284 1.50sh Locomotives, Class 64 MH R9Bk1S124 $0.10 1986 290 1.50sh Young Pioneers MH R9Bk1S128 $0.10 |
1985 266a 1.50,5,10,30sh Souvenir sheet of 4, #263-266, Classic Rolls-Royce cars MH R9Bk1S119 SOLD
1985 274a 5,10,20,30sh Souvenir sheet of 4, #271-274, Steam Locomotives MH R9Bk1S120 SOLD 1985 269a 20sh,100sh Souvenir sheet of 2, #267,269, 85th birthday Queen Mother MH R9Bk1S115 SOLD 1985 270a 20sh,100sh Souvenir sheet of 2, #268,270, 85th birthday Queen Mother MH R9Bk1S116 SOLD |
1986 305a 20sh,100sh Souvenir sheet of 2, #304-305, World Chess Championships MH R9Bk1S114 SOLD
1986 309a 5,10,20,30sh Souvenir sheet of 4, #303-309, Audubon, birds in peril MH R9Bk1S121 SOLD 1986 318a 1.50,5,10,30sh Souvenir sheet of 4, #315-318, Flowers, Tanzania in bloom MH R9Bk1S117 SOLD 1986 322a 5,10,20,30sh Souvenir sheet of 4, #319-322, endangered species MH R9Bk1S118 SOLD |
Tanzania 2009 1200Shx4 50 years of space exploration, Spitzer Space Telescope MNH P250S11 SOLD
Tanzania 2009 1200Shx4 50 years of space exploration, Yuri Gargaran MNH P250S10 SOLD
Tanzania 2009 1200Shx4 50 years of space exploration, Explorer I MNH P250S09 SOLD
Tanzania 2009 3500Sh 50 years of space exploration, Hubble Space Telescope MNH P250S05 SOLD
Tanzania 2009 3500Sh 50 years of space exploration, Sputnik III MNH P250S04 SOLD
see also Space Topicals
Tanzania 2009 1200Shx4 50 years of space exploration, Yuri Gargaran MNH P250S10 SOLD
Tanzania 2009 1200Shx4 50 years of space exploration, Explorer I MNH P250S09 SOLD
Tanzania 2009 3500Sh 50 years of space exploration, Hubble Space Telescope MNH P250S05 SOLD
Tanzania 2009 3500Sh 50 years of space exploration, Sputnik III MNH P250S04 SOLD
see also Space Topicals
Tchongking (French Offices)
1908 34 1c ol brn & blk, Annamite Girl (red ovpt) M H P202L26S66 SOLD
1908 35 2c brn & blk, Annamite Girl (red ovpt) M H P202L26S67 SOLD 1919 51 2/5c on 1c ol brn & blk, Annamite Girl (red ovpt)(black surcharge) M H P202L26S68 $0.50 1919 53 1&3/5c on 4c blue & blk, Annamite Girl (red ovpt)(red surcharge) M H P202L26S69 SOLD |
1941 245 5s violet, King Ananda Mahidol used G1B3S2554 $0.13
1941 248 25s slate & org, Plowing Rice field used G1B3S2563 $0.20 1947 266 20s chocolate, King Bhumibol Adulyadej used G1B3S2555 $0.10 1950 278 20s chocolate, Coronation of Bhumibol Adulyadej used G1B3S2556 $0.15 1950 278 20s chocolate, Coronation of Bhumibol Adulyadej used G01S411 $0.15 |
1951 283 5s rose lilac, King Bhumibol Adulyadej used G1B3S2557 SOLD
1951 284 10s deep green, King Bhumibol Adulyadej used G1B3S2558 SOLD 1951 285 15s red brown, King Bhumibol Adulyadej used G1B3S2559 SOLD 1951 286 25s carmine, King Bhumibol Adulyadej used G1B3S2560 SOLD 1951 287 50s gray olive, King Bhumibol Adulyadej used G1B3S2561 SOLD 1951 289 1.15b deep blue, King Bhumibol Adulyadej used G1B3S2562 SOLD |
1995 1628 2b multi, Total Solar Eclipse in Thailand, block 12 MH P269S96 SOLD
see Topicals Solar Eclipses |
Taiwan - see China - Taiwan