WW Czechoslovakia after 1955
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Czechoslovakia to 1955 - see Czechoslovakia to 1955
Czechoslovakia, Bohemia & Moravia - see Bohemia & Moravia
1957 836 30h Intl Geophysical Yr, Radio telescope and observatory P269S54 SOLD
1957 837 45h Intl Geophysical Yr, Meteorological stn in High Tatra P269S55 SOLD 1957 838 75h Intl Geophysical Yr, Sputnik 2 over Earth used P269S56 SOLD see space topicals |
1963 1169 30h red brn & buff, Rocket to the Sun used P269S153 $0.10
1963 1172 1k dk gray & sal, Interplanetary station & Mars 1 used P269S154 $0.10 see space topicals 1963 1169 30h red brn & buff, Rocket to the Sun used P269S78a 1963 1170 50h slate & bluish grn, Rockets & Sputniks leaving Earth used P269S78b 1963 1171 60h dk green & yel, Spacecraft to & from Moon used P269S78c 1963 1172 1k dk gray & sal, Interplanetary station & Mars used P269S78d 1963 1173 1.60k gray brn & lt grn, Atomic rocket & Jupiter used P269S78e 1963 1174 2k dk purple & yel, Rocket returning from Saturn used P269S78f complete set SOLD see space topicals |
1965 1289 20h rose & red lilac, Sun's Corona used P269S32 $0.10
1965 1290 30h rose red & yel, Sun used P269S33 $0.10 1965 1291 60h bluish blk & yel, Exploration of the Moon used P269S34 $0.10 1965 1289 20h rose & red lilac, Sun's Corona used P269S155 $0.10 1965 1290 30h rose red & yel, Sun used P269S156 $0.10 1965 1291 60h bluish blk & yel, Exploration of the Moon used P269S157 $0.10 1965 1333 1k orange & blue, Communication Symbols used P269S152 $0.10 see space topicals |
1966 1380 30h Brown Trout SG#1564 Sc#1380 $0.10
Czechoslovakia 1966 1380 30h Brown Trout used R11S176 $0.10 1966 1400 20h Naprstek Ethnographic Museum, Prague, and “The Indians of North America” exhibition. used EuDp3S179 $0.10 1966 1401 30h Naprstek Ethnographic Museum, Prague, and “The Indians of North America” exhibition. used EuDp3S180 $0.10 |
1966 1422 20h USA & Russia, First Meeting in Orbit used P269S148 $0.10
1966 1423 30h USA & Russia, far side of Moon & Russian satellite P269S149 $0.10 1966 1424 60h USA & Russia, Mars & Mariner 4 used P269S150 $0.10 1966 1426 1k USA & Russia, Satellite, laser beam & binary code P269S151 $0.10 see space topicals |
1967 1500 1.20k Animals of Tatra Natl Park, Dormouse used EuDp3S152 $0.10
1967 1512,1513 2k,3k Pres. Antonin Novotny used EuDp3S162 $0.20 1968 1574 60h coat of arms - Kosice used EuDp3S153 $0.10 1968 1579 30h dp blue & mag, Flag and Linden Leaves used EuDp3S144a $0.10 1968 1580 60h Map of Czechoslovakia, linden leaves, Hradcany in Prague and Castle in Bratislava. used EuDp3S144b $0.10 |
1968 1566,1567 30h,60h Drawings by children in Terezin Concentratiuon Camp used EuDp3S159 $0.20
1968 1594,1596 30h,80h Slovak Fairy Tales, Cinderlad, The Ruling Knight used EuDp3S155 $0.20 1968 1540-1541A 30h,50h('70),60h,1k('70), Pres. Ludvik Svobod used EuDp3S160 $0.40 1968 1541A 1k('70) rose carmine, Pres. Ludvik Svobod used EuDp3S161 $0.10 |
1969 1601 60h black, red & gold, 50th anniv Czeck Red Cross used EuDp3S167 $0.10
1969 1602 1k 50th anniv. of the League of Red Cross Societies used EuDp3S154 $0.10 1969 1603 1k black & gray, 50th anniv. of the ILO. used EuDp3S168 $0.10 1969 1611 60h blk, gold & slate, 50th anniv Brno University (science symbols) used EuDp3S172 $0.10 1969 1612 60h gold, blue, blk & red, 50th anniv Brno Conservatory of Music used EuDp3S170 $0.10 |
1969 1613 60h black & rose red, 50th anniv Slovak Natl Theater used EuDp3S171 $0.10
1969 1638 30h Pres Svoboda and partisans, 25th anniv Slovak uprising & battle of Kukla used EuDp3S148 $0.10 1969 1640 60h gray, Tatra Mtns Natl Park used EuDp3S145 $0.10 1969 1604,1606 30h,60h Historical Firearms used EuDp3S151 $0.20 |
1969 C75 60h Astronaut, Moon and Manhattan used P269S145 $0.10
see space topicals 1969 1619 20th anniv. of Peace Movement Painting - Peace, by L. Guderna SOLD |
1970 1716 20h interkosmos, Radar used P269S139 $0.10
1970 1717 40h interkosmos, iterkosmos 3, geophysical satellite P269S140 $0.10 1970 1718 60h interkosmos, Molniya meteorological satellite used P269S141 $0.10 1970 1719 1k interkosmos, Astronaut and Vostok satellite used P269S142 $0.10 1970 1720 1.20k Interkosmos 4, solar research satellite used P269S142 $0.10 1970 1720A 1.20k(’71), interkosmos, Sputnik over city used P269S144 $0.10 see space topicals |
1970 1704 20h blk & multi, Sundisk Games’ emblem & flags R5wwB2S78 $0.10
1971 1728 A628 50h black & multi used G01S726 $0.10 1971 1739 6k multi, cottage, Turnov used R5wwB2S66 $0.10 1971 1739 6k multi, cottage, Orava used G1B1S456 $0.10 1971 1766 30h lt bl, blk & red, CKD, Prague Machine Foundry R5wwB2S67 $0.10 |
1972 1811 60h blk & multi, Ice Hockey Championships used R5wwB2S84 $0.10
1972 1812 1k blk & multi, Ice Hockey Championships used R5wwB2S85 $0.10 1972 1814 1.60k Diving, 20th Olympic Games, Munich used R5wwB2S82 $0.10 1972 1815 1.80k Canoeing, 20th Olympic Games, Munich used R5wwB2S83 $0.10 1972 1829 1k multi, wire art - Locomotive & Loops used R5wwB2S86 $0.10 |
1972 1832 60h multi on blue paper “Mir” used R5wwB2S79 $0.10
1972 1837 30h horsemen, Hussar used R11S178 $0.10 1972 1838 60h horsemen, Janissary used R11S179 $0.10 1972 1852 60h Warbler feeding young cuckoo used R11S177 $0.10 1972 1854 1k lt bl & multi, black billed magpie used R5wwB2S81 $0.10 1972 J96 20h vio & lt bl, postage due used R5wwB2S69 $0.10 1972 J105 5.40k red & lilac, postage due used R5wwB2S70 $0.10 |
1973 1874 20h multi, Soviet planetary station “Venera” used P269S146 $0.10
1973 1875 30h multi, “Intercosmos” station used P269S147 $0.10 see space topicals |
1974 1944 60h multi, Children's book illistration used R5wwB2S71 $0.10
1974 1956 30h black & multi, Folk art 'targets' used R5wwB2S80 $0.10 1974 1962 30h multi, UPU Emblem and Postilion used R5wwB2S74 $0.10 1974 1964 60h multi, UPU Emblem and RR mail coach, used R5wwB2S75 $0.10 1974 1970 40h multi, Post rider used G1B1S452 $0.10 |
Czechoslovakia - 1959 full set of birds
One set Mint not Hinged - refer to image and One set Used (Cancelled to Order) Scott 942-948, Stanley Gibbons 1120-1126 Birds: 30h, Blue tits. 40h, Nuthatch. 60h, Golden oriole. 80h, Goldfinch. 1k, Bullfinch. 1.20k, European kingfisher. Price Mint not Hinged - SOLD Price Used - SOLD |
Czechoslovakia - 1962 Cultural Personalities & Events
Scott 1097-1103, Stanley Gibbons 1277-1283 Various Cultural Personalities & Events Designs: 10h, Karel Kovarovic. 20h, Frantisek Skroup. 30h, Bozena Nemcova. 40h Frantisek Zaviska and Karel Petr. 60h, View of Prague & staff of Aesculapius. 1.60k, Ladislav Celakovsky. 1.80k, Miloslav Valouch & Juraj Hronec. Price SOLD |
Czechoslovakia - 1967 full set of Jewish Relics -
used - cancelled to order - refer to image - Sc 1479 has paper thin Scott 1475-1480, Stanley Gibbons 1660-1665 Issued to show Jewish relics. The items shown on the 30h, 60h and 1k are from the State Jewish Museum, Prague 30h, Detail from Torah curtain, 1593. 60h, Prague Printer’s emblem, 1530. 1k, Mikulov jug, 1804. 1.20k Old-New Synagogue, Prague 1.40k, Memorial for Concentration Camp Victims 1939-45, Pincas Synagogue (menorah & tablet). 1.60k, Tombstone of David Gans, 1613. Price SOLD |
Czechoslovakia - Sports Stamps
1956 749 75h Summer Olympics Melbourne SG#926 Sc#749
1956 764 80h Marathon Race Kosice SG#927 Sc#764 1957 799 60h European boxing champ Prague SG#974 Sc#799 1957 815 60h 32nd intl motorcycle race SG#976 Sc#815 1958 840 40h canoeing SG#1016 Sc#840 1958 843 1.60k soccer SG#1019 Sc#843 1960 965 60h winter olympic games SG#1140 Sc#965 1960 967 1k summer olympic games SG#1163 Sc#967 |