Still working at adding the remainder of the collection. Many cards needed to be added as time permits.
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Part 1a - Promotional cards
Electrabuzz pokemon card #2 BLACK STAR PROMO card

Electrabuzz pokemon card #2 BLACK STAR PROMO card
These cards are non-foil with a small (non-foil) "Promo" stamp (star symbol with the word "Promo" written across it) below the artwork AND a gold foil "Kids WB Presents Pokemon The First Movie" stamp on the upper right corner of the artwork. These cards were initially released as a promotional campaign accompanying the "Mewtwo Strikes Back" movie release in the United States in November 1999.
Price $0.89 SOLD
only 1 available
These cards are non-foil with a small (non-foil) "Promo" stamp (star symbol with the word "Promo" written across it) below the artwork AND a gold foil "Kids WB Presents Pokemon The First Movie" stamp on the upper right corner of the artwork. These cards were initially released as a promotional campaign accompanying the "Mewtwo Strikes Back" movie release in the United States in November 1999.
Price $0.89 SOLD
only 1 available
Part 1b - Holofoil 1st edition cards
"1st Edition" cards are specially marked with the "Edition 1" stamp on the left side to signify their limited print run status. These cards were only available in retail outlets for a short time and their prices reflect their relative scarcity.
"1st Edition" cards are specially marked with the "Edition 1" stamp on the left side to signify their limited print run status. These cards were only available in retail outlets for a short time and their prices reflect their relative scarcity.
Part 1c - Holofoil cards
Part 2 - Rare and Uncommon 1st edition cards
"1st Edition" cards are specially marked with the "Edition 1" stamp on the left side to signify their limited print run status. These cards were only available in retail outlets for a short time and their prices reflect their relative scarcity.
"1st Edition" cards are specially marked with the "Edition 1" stamp on the left side to signify their limited print run status. These cards were only available in retail outlets for a short time and their prices reflect their relative scarcity.
Cloyster 1st ed (s2p5#2) & (s2p5#3) 32 fossil Uncommon card both SOLD
Gastly 1st ed 33 fossil 1st ed Uncommon card SOLD Gastly 1st ed (s2p5#6),(s2p5#7)&(s2p5#8) 33 fossil 1st ed Uncommon all 3 SOLD Golbat 1st ed (s2p6#2) & (s2p6#3) 34 fossil 1st ed Uncommon card both SOLD Golduck 1st ed (s2p6#5) 35 fossil 1st ed Uncommon card SOLD Golduck 1st ed 35 fossil 1st ed Uncommon card SOLD Golem 1st ed (s2p6#9) 36 fossil 1st ed Uncommon card SOLD |
Graveler 1st ed (s2p7#6) & (s2p7#7) 37 fossil 1st ed Uncommon card both SOLD
Kingler 1st ed (s2p8#4) 38 fossil 1st ed Uncommon card SOLD Magmar 1st ed (s2p9#1,2) 39 fossil 1st ed Uncommon card SOLD Omastar 1st ed (s2p9#5) 40 fossil 1st ed Uncommon card SOLD Sandslash 1st ed (s2p9#9) 41 fossil 1st ed Uncommon card SOLD |
Common 1st Edition cards
Ekans 1st ed 46 fossil 1st ed Common card SOLD
Ekans 1st ed (s2p11#7,8,9) 46 fossil 1st ed Common card 3 of 3 SOLD Geodude 1st ed (s2p12#1-6) 47 fossil 1st ed Common card 3 of 6 SOLD Grimer 1st ed (s2p12#7,8) 48 fossil 1st ed Common card SOLD Horsea 1st ed (s2p12#9),(s2p13#1-3) 49 fossil 1st ed Common card 3 of 4 SOLD Kabuto 1st ed (s2p13#4-8) 50 fossil 1st ed Common card 3 of 5 SOLD |
Krabby 1st ed (s2p13#9),(s2p14#1,4) 51 fossil 1st ed Common card 3 of 5 SOLD
Omanyte 1st ed (s2p14#5,6) 52 fossil 1st ed Common card 1 of 2 SOLD Psyduck 1st ed (s2p14#7)53 fossil 1st ed Common card SOLD Shellder 1st ed (s2p14#8,9), (s2p15#1,5) 54 fossil 1st ed Common card 1 of 7 SOLD Slowpoke 1st ed (s2p15#3-5) 55 fossil 1st ed Common card 3 of 3 SOLD |
Mr. Fuji 1st ed Trainer (s2p15#8) 58 fossil 1st ed U SOLD
Energy Search 1st ed Trainer (s2p15#9),(s2p16#1-4) 59 fossil 1st ed C 3 of 5 SOLD Gambler 1st ed Trainer 60 fossil 1st ed Common card SOLD Gambler 1st ed Trainer (s2p16#5-7) 60 fossil 1st ed Common card 3 of 3 SOLD Recycle 1st ed Trainer (s2p16#8,9),(s2p17#1-4) 61 fossil 1st ed C 2 of 6 SOLD Mysterious Fossil 1st ed Trainer (s2p17#5) 62 fossil 1st ed Common card SOLD |
Part 3 - Shadowless cards
The "Shadowless" cards are the very first print runs for the Pokemon Base Set. This print run was remarkable in its poor "look". The cards were dull in color and the graphics were "muted". The most obvious differences was putting the shadow around the box which had the art of the Pokemon character. The "HP" font was also changed and the colors were made to "pop".
The "Shadowless" cards are the very first print runs for the Pokemon Base Set. This print run was remarkable in its poor "look". The cards were dull in color and the graphics were "muted". The most obvious differences was putting the shadow around the box which had the art of the Pokemon character. The "HP" font was also changed and the colors were made to "pop".
Holofoil & Rare Base set Shadowless cards
Uncommon Base set Shadowless cards
Common & Trainer Base set Shadowless cards
Abra base #43 - shadowed and shadowless SOLD
Bulbasaur base #44 - shadowed and shadowless SOLD Charmander base #46 - shadowed and shadowless SOLD Diglett base #47 - shadowed and shadowless SOLD Drowzee base #49 - shadowed and shadowless SOLD Gastly base #50 - shadowed and shadowless SOLD Machop base #52 - shadowed and shadowless SOLD Magnemite base #53 - shadowed and shadowless SOLD Nidoran base #55 - shadowed and shadowless SOLD Onix base #56 - shadowed and shadowless SOLD Pikachu base #58 - shadowed and shadowless SOLD Poliwag base #59 - shadowed and shadowless SOLD |
Ponyta base #60 - shadowed and shadowless $0.49
Rattata base #61 - shadowed and shadowless SOLD Sandshrew base #62 - shadowed and shadowless SOLD Squirtle base #63 - shadowed and shadowless SOLD Starmie base #64 - shadowed and shadowless SOLD Staryu base #65 - shadowed and shadowless SOLD Tangela base #66 - shadowed and shadowless SOLD Vulpix base #68 - shadowed and shadowless SOLD Weedle base #69 - shadowed and shadowlessSOLD Computer Search base #71 (trainer)(shadowless) SOLD Lass base #75 (trainer)(shadowless) SOLD |
Part 4 - Rare and Uncommon Unlimited edition cards
Arbok (s2p4#7) & (s2p4#8) 31 fossil Uncommon card
Cloyster (s2p4#9) & (s2p5#1) 32 fossil Uncommon card 1 SOLD Gastly (s2p5#4) & (s2p5#5) 33 fossil Uncommon card Golbat (s2p5#9) & (s2p6#1) 34 fossil Uncommon card 1 SOLD Golduck (s2p6#4) 35 fossil Uncommon card Golem (s2p6#6),(s2p6#7)&(s2p6#8) 36 fossil Uncommon card all SOLD Graveler (s2p7#1) to (s2p7#5) 37 fossil Uncommon card 3 SOLD Kingler (s2p7#8) to (s2p8#3) 38 fossil Uncommon card 3 SOLD Magmar (s2p8#5) to (s2p8#9) 39 fossil Uncommon card 3 SOLD Omastar (s2p9#3) & (s2p9#4) 40 fossil Uncommon card both SOLD Sandslash (s2p9#6) to (s2p9#8) 41 fossil Uncommon card 2 SOLD |
Seadra 48 neo-genisis Uncommon card SOLD
Ledyba 63 neo-genisis Common card SOLD Super Scoop Up (trainer) 98 neo-genisis Uncommon card SOLD Sabrina's Haunter 55 GymChallenge Uncommon card SOLD Sabrina's Jynx 57 GymChallenge Uncommon card SOLD Sabrina's Kadabra 58 GymChallenge Uncommon card SOLD Sabrina's Psychic Control 121 GymChallenge Uncommon Trainer SOLD Saffron City Gym 122 GymChallenge Uncommon Trainer SOLD Dark Dragonair 33 Team Rocket Uncommon card SOLD Dark Raticate 51 Team Rocket Common card SOLD |
Base set Rare Trainer Cards
Part 5 - Other Pokemon Items