Worldwide Stamps Gren-Gz
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1969 328 1/2c astronaut collecting moon rocks MNH R6dpS39Ac $0.10
1969 328 1/2c astronaut collecting moon rocks MH P269S28 $0.10 1973 490 1/2c multi, World Meteorlogical Org, Helios & equinoxes and solstices (2 copies) MH P269S27 $0.10 ea see also Space Topicals |
1969 328 1/2c astronaut collecting moon rocks SG#348 Sc#328 SOLD
1973 507 1/2c multi, Ignaz Philipp Semmelweiss MNH G01S883 $0.10 1973 507 1/2c multi, Ignaz Philipp Semmelweiss MNH R5wwB2S149 $0.10 1973 519 1/2c lt brown & multi, christmas, virgin & child by Maratti MNH R5wwB2S150 $0.10 1974 553 1/2c multicolored, world cup soccer MNH R5wwB2S151 $0.10 1974 574 1/2 Virgin and Child by Botticelli MNH EuDp3S713 $0.10 |
1975 621 1/2c multicolored, admitted to UN MH G1B1S843 $0.10
1975 636 1/2c Angel Collecting Jesus’ Blood in Grail, by Bellini MNH R10S53 $0.10 1975 637 1c Easter 1975, Pieta, by Bellini MNH P346S75 $0.10 1975 652 1/2c multi, Leafy Jewel Box, seashell MH G1B1S835 $0.10 1975 652 1/2c multi, Leafy Jewel Box, seashell MNH R5wwB2S157 $0.10 1975 653 1c multi Emerald nerite, seashells MH G1B1S836 $0.10 |
1975 660 1/2c multi, Large tiger butterfly MH G1B1S837 $0.10
1975 668 1/2c multi, pan-am games 1975 MNH G01S879 $0.10 1975 668 1/2c multi, pan-am games 1975 MNH R5wwB2S158 $0.10 1975 676 1/2c black & multi, David by Michelangelo MNH R5wwB2S160 $0.10 1975 677 1c black & multi, Michelangelo MH G1B1S831 $0.10 1975 684 1/2c Filippino Lippi, Christmas 1975 MH G1B1S823 $0.10 |
1976 692 1/2c multicolored, bird, Bananaquit MNH R5wwB2S159 $0.10
1976 700 1/2c multicolored, Carnaval MH G1B1S839 $0.10 1976 708 1/2c multicolored, Easter 1976 MH G1B1S825 $0.10 1976 709 1c multicolored, Easter 1976 MH G1B1S826 $0.10 1976 716 1/2c multi, sharpshooters, American Revolution MNH G01S886 $0.10 |
1976 739 1/2c multicolored, Toulouse-Lautrec MNH G01S874 $0.10
1976 739 1/2c multicolored, Toulouse-Lautrec MH P333S16 $0.10 (not shown) 1976 740 1c multicolored, Toulouse-Lautrec MH G1B1S830 $0.10 1976 749 1/2c multicolored, Piper Apache airplane MNH G01S880 $0.10 1976 764 1/2c blue & multi, ships, S.S. Geestland MH G1B1S845 $0.10 1976 765 1c blue & multi, ships, M.V. Federal Palm MH G1B1S519 $0.10 |
1978 827 1/2c multi, Nobel Peace Prize, Christjaan Eijkman MH G1B1S832 $0.10
1978 828 1c multi, Nobel Peace Prize, Winston Churchill MH G1B1S833 $0.10 1978 829 2c multi, Nobel Peace Prize, Woodrow Wilson MH G1B1S834 $0.10 1978 827 1/2c multi, Nobel Peace Prize, Christjaan Eijkman MNH G01S887 $0.10 1978 828 1c multi, Nobel Peace Prize, Winston Churchill MNH G01S888 $0.10 1978 829 2c multi, Nobel Peace Prize, Woodrow Wilson MNH G01S889 $0.10 |
1978 842 1/2c multicolored, space shuttle launch MH G1B1S520 SOLD
1978 843 1c multicolored, booster separation MH G1B1S521 SOLD 1978 844 2c multicolored, external tank separation MH G1B1S522 SOLD see Space Topicals |
1978 849 1/2c multicolored, black headed gulls, WWF MH G1B1S822 $0.15
1978 849 1/2c multicolored, black headed gulls, WWF MNH R5wwB2S152 $0.15 1978 850 1c multicolored, wilson's petrels, WWF MNH R5wwB2S153 $0.15 1978 850 1c multicolored, wilson's petrels, WWF MNH G01S870 $0.15 1978 851 2c multicolored, Kildeers, WWF MNH G01S871 $0.15 |
1999 2868 $1.50x6, 30th anniv Apollo 11 Moon Landing, Souvenir Sheet MNH R6dpS39Af SOLD
see Space Topicals |
Grenada 2009 $2x6 50 years of space exploration MNH P250S03 SOLD
Grenada 2009 $2x6 40th anniv of first man on moon MNH P250S02 $4.03
see also Space Topicals
Grenada 2009 $2x6 40th anniv of first man on moon MNH P250S02 $4.03
see also Space Topicals
1941 RA16 1c olive green, Post Office, Red ovpt "1941" used G1B3S1071 $0.13
1942 RA18 1c on 2c deep blue, Red ovpt "CONSTRUCCION 1943 UN CENTAVO" used G1B3S1070 $0.13 1943 RA21 1c orange, arch of communications bldg used G1B3S1068 $0.13 1943 C127 10c dp rose vio, Natl Police Bldg, airmail used G1B1S709 $0.10 |
see also French Guinea
see also Portuguese Guinea
1962 236 30c bl, dk grn & red, musical instruments, Bote used G1B1S810 $0.10
1962 238 1fr yel grn, grn & lil, musical instruments, Flute used G1B1S811 $0.10 1962 239 1.50fr yel, red & bl, musical instruments, Koni used G1B1S812 $0.10 1962 241 3fr brn grn, grn & lil, musical instruments, Koni CTO G01S823 $0.10 1962 242 10fr org, brn & bl, musical instruments, Flute CTO G01S824 $0.10 1962 243 20fr ol, dk ol & car, musical instruments, Kora CTO G01S825 $0.10 1962 245 40fr bl, grn & red , musical instruments, Bolon CTO G01S826 $0.10 1962 246 50fr rose, dp rose & Prus bl, musical instruments, Bote G1B1S813 $0.13 1962 247 75fr dl yel, brn & Prus bl, musical instr, Bolon CTO G01S827 $0.30 |
1965 382,387,383 multi, 5fr,100fr,10fr strip of 3 se-tenant, American Astronauts, separated used P269S197
1965 384,385,386 multi, 15fr,25fr,30fr strip of 3 se-tenant, Moon from 258, 115, 58mi used P269S195 1965 388,393,389 multi, 5fr,100fr,10fr strip of 3 se-tenant, Russian Astronauts separated used P269S198 1965 390,391,392 multi, 15fr,25fr,30fr strip of 3 se-tenant, Vostoks 3&4, Sputnik, Vostoks 5&6 used P269S196 set SOLD see also Space Topicals |
1970 564 5fr gold & multi, Lenin CTO G01S786 $0.10
1970 565 20fr gold & multi, meeting with Lenin by V.Serov used G1B1S820 $0.10 1970 565 20fr gold & multi, meeting with Lenin by V.Serov CTO G01S787 $0.10 1970 566 30fr gold & multi, Lenin Adressing Workers by V Serov (2 copies) CTO G01S788 $0.10 ea 1970 567 40fr gold & multi, Lenin with Red Guard..., by P. V. Vasiliev CTO G01S789 $0.10 1970 568 100fr gold & multi, Lenin Speaking from Balcony, by P. V. Vasiliev CTO G01S790 $0.15 |
1972 604 15fr multi, Map of Africa, Syncom Satellite used P269S199a
1972 605 30fr multi, Map of Africa, Relay used P269S199b 1972 606 75fr multi, Map of Africa, Early Bird used P269S199c 1972 607 80fr multi, Map of Africa, Telstar used P269S199d 1972 C120 100fr multi, Map of Africa and Relay used P269S199e 1972 C121 200fr multi, Map of Africa and Early Bird used P269S199f complete set $1.63 see also Space Topicals |
1973 642 1.50s lt grn, gold & brn, Kwame Nkrumah used G1B1S817 $0.10
1973 643 2.50s lt grn, gold & brn, Kwame Nkrumah CTO G01S833 $0.10 1973 644 5s lt grn, gold & brn, Kwame Nkrumah CTO G01S834 $0.10 1973 646 1s gold & multi, Institute for Applied Biology, Kindia CTO G01S784 $0.10 1973 649 4s gold & multi, Sterilization of vaccine CTO G01S785 $0.10 |
1973 653 50c Copernicus, Heliocentric System, Primeval Landscape P269S159a
1973 654 2s Copernicus, Sun rising over volcanic desert, & spacecraft P269S159b 1973 655 4s multi, Copernicus, Earth, moon and spacecraft used P269S159c 1973 656 5s multi, Copernicus, Moon scape and spacecraft used P269S159d 1973 657 10s multi, Copernicus, Jupiter and spacecraft used P269S159e 1973 658 20s multi, Copernicus, Saturn and heliocentric system used P269S159f complete set SOLD see Nicolaus Copernicus topicals |
1959 184 10fr claret - fishing piroque SG205 Sc184 used? P85L04S159 SOLD
1960 10,15,25fr UPU monument SG243,4,6 Sc196,197,199 used P85L04S160 SOLD 1960 195 50fr world refugee year SG242 Sc195 used P85L04S162 SOLD 1961 218 50fr defassa waterbuck SG272 Sc218 used P85L04S161 SOLD 1961 227 50fr Grey Brested Helmet Guinea Foul SG#28 Sc#227 WW01S18 SOLD |
Guinea Bissau
see also French Guiana
Gwailor (see India - Gwailor)