WW Space Topicals Hungary
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Other Space Topicals
1a) Space topicals to 1968
1b) Space topicals 1968-1971
1c) Space topicals after 1971
2a) USA & Russia
2b) Hungary
3) Constellations
4) Nicolaus Copernicus
5) Solar & Lunar Eclipses
1a) Space topicals to 1968
1b) Space topicals 1968-1971
1c) Space topicals after 1971
2a) USA & Russia
2b) Hungary
3) Constellations
4) Nicolaus Copernicus
5) Solar & Lunar Eclipses
1959 1212 10f, Intl Geophysical Yr, Eotvos Torsion Balance & Globe used P269S87 1959 1213 20f, Intl Geophysical Yr, Deep sea exploration used P269S88 1959 1214 30f, Intl Geophysical Yr, Icebergs, penguins and Aurora used P269S89 1959 1215 40f, Intl Geophysical Yr, Solviet Antarctic camp & map used P269S73 1959 1216 60f Prus bl & lemon, Rocket approaching Moon used P269S81 1959 1217 1fo, Intl Geophysical Yr, Sun and observatory used P269S74 1959 1218 5fo, Intl Geophysical Yr, Sputnik & American Rocket used P269S75 1959 1262 60f dull bl & lemon, ovpt Landing of Lunik 2 on moon, Sept. 14 used P269S82 $0.13 complete set plus 1 $1.18 |
1962 C221 40f purple, Astronauts, Yuri A. Gagarin used P269S107a 1962 C222 60f dark green, Astronauts, Gherman Titov used P269S107b 1962 C223 1fo dark bl grn, Astronauts, John H. Glenn, Jr. used P269S107c 1962 C224 1.40fo dark brown, Astronauts, Scott Carpenter used P269S107d 1962 C225 1.70fo deep blue, Astronauts, G. Nikolayev used P269S107e 1962 C226 2.60fo violet, Astronauts, Pavel R. Popovich used P269S107f 1962 C227 3fo red brown, Astronauts, Walter Schirra used P269S107g complete set $0.91 |
1963 C236 20f olive green, space on stamps, Albania #623 used P269S113a 1963 C237 30f rose lake, space on stamps, Bulgaria #C77 used P269S113b 1963 C238 40f violet, space on stamps, Czechoslovakia #1108 used P269S113c 1963 C239 50f brt blue, space on stamps, Communist China #380 used P269S113d 1963 C240 60f orange brn, space on stamps, North Korea used P269S113e 1963 C241 80f ultra, space on stamps, Poland #875 used P269S113f 1963 C242 1fo dull red brn, space on stamps, Hungary #1386 used P269S113g 1963 C243 1.20fo aqua, space on stamps, Mongolia #189 used P269S113h 1963 C244 1.40fo olive, space on stamps, DDR #580 used P269S113i 1963 C245 1.70fo brown olive, space on stamps, Romania #1200 used P269S113j 1963 C246 2fo rose lilac, space on stamps, Russia #2456, used P269S113k 1963 C247 2.60fo bluish green, space on stamps, North Viet Nam used P269S113l complete set $1.30 Hungary 1963 C241 80f ultra, space on stamps, Poland #875 used P269S110 $0.10 |
1964 1562 30f grn, yel & brnz, Moon Rocket used P269S112a 1964 1563 40f pur, bl & sil, Venus Space Probe used P269S112b 1964 1564 60f bl, blk, yel, sil & red, Vostok I used P269S112c 1964 1565 1fo dk brn, red & sil, Friendship 7 used P269S112d 1964 1566 1.70fo vio bl, blk, tan & red, Vostok III & IV used P269S112e 1964 1567 2fo sl grn, yel & sil, Telstar 1 & 2 used P269S112f 1964 1568 2.60fo dp bl, yel & brnz, Mars I used P269S112g 1964 1569 3fo dp vio, lt bl & sil, Radar, rockets and satelites used P269S112h complete set $1.40 |
1965 1659 20f blue, org & blk, Arctic Exploration used P269S80a 1965 1660 30f, Radar tracking rocket, ionosphere research used P269S80b 1965 1661 60f, Rocket and earth with reflecting layer diagrams, atmospheric research used P269S80c 1965 1662 80f, Telescope and map of Milky Way, radio astronomy used P269S80d 1965 1663 1.50fo, Earth, compass rose and needle, earth magnetism used P269S80e 1965 1664 1.70fo, Weather balloon and lightning, meteorology used P269S80f 1965 1665 2fo, Aurora borealis and penguins, arctic research used P269S80g 1965 1666 2.50fo, Satellite, earth and planets, space research used P269S80h 1965 1667 3fo lt bl, cit & blk, QSY emblem and world map used P269S80i complete set $1.00 |
1965 C253 20f ultra, blk & org yel, Mariner IV (USA) used P269S91a 1965 C254 30f brn, vio & yel, San Marco satellite, Italy used P269S91b 1965 C255 40f vio, brn & pink, Molniya satellite, USSR used P269S91c 1965 C256 60f lt pur, blk & org yel, Moon rocket, 1965, USSR used P269S91d 1965 C257 1fo red lil, blk & buff, Shapir rocket, France used P269S91e 1965 C258 2.50fo rose cl, blk & gray, III satellite, USSR used P269S91f 1965 C259 3fo bl grn, blk & bis, Syncom III satellite, USA used P269S91g complete set $1.01 |
1966 1738 2fo violet, blk & yel, Luna 9 used P269S111 $0.10 1966 1804 60f multi, Gemini 6 and 7 used P269S114 1966 1805 80f multi, Vostoks 5 and 6 used P269S115 1966 1807 1.50fo multi, Alexei Leonov walking in space used P269S116 1966 1808 2fo multi, Edward White walking in space used P269S117 set $0.40 |
1969 C287 40f multi, Journey to the Moon, by Jules Verne used P269S106a 1969 C288 60f multi, Tsiolkovski’s space station used P269S106b 1969 C289 1fo multi, Luna 1 used P269S106c 1969 C290 1.50fo multi, Ranger 7 used P269S106d 1969 C291 2fo multi, Luna 9 landing on moon used P269S106e 1969 C292 2.50fo multi, Apollo 8 in orbit around moon used P269S106f 1969 C293 3fo multi, Soyuz 4 and 5 docking in space used P269S106g 1969 C294 4fo multi, Lunar landing module landing on moon used P269S106h complete set $0.90 |